Friday, November 2, 2012

'The X'The X-Factor' Season 2, Episode 12 Recap: Khloe Kardashian debuts as surprisingly good co-host -Factor' Season 2, Episode 12 Recap: Khloe Kardashian debuts as surprisingly good co-host

'The X-Factor' Season 2, Episode 12 Recap: Khloe Kardashian debuts as surprisingly good co-host

On the first live show of season two of The X Factor, the most memorable moment wasn't any single performer's debut; it was the judges' inability to keep up with the Kardashian.

Khloe Kardashian joined Mario Lopez as the new co-hosts of the reality singing competition, and through much of the show's first half their stilted banter promised a boring but acceptable future for the hosting duo. But it was during the performance by 1432 – the artists formerly known as Lylas, but changed over a legal threat by another group of the same name  -- where the Kardashian sister pushed back.

After Demi Lovato singled out an unnamed performer as being the best from the group, Khloe stepped upper game. “Demi, who was the one that clicked for you?" she asked, as the group stood beside her. "Demi?"

"Next up, we have my final contestant…" Lovato said, trying to dodge the question, before being interrupted with the same question once more. In response, she suggested the group should "figure it out on their own."

"I want to know," Khloe pressed, "and I think they should know how to work better together."

"I think they should all figure out," Lovato started, then immediately slamming her fist on the table. "You," she pointed, at Camilla Cabello as she shot Khloe a glare that could’ve turned her to stone.
It’s going to be an interesting remainder of the season.

But the night began with much less tension. A few canned Halloween jokes by Lopez and Kardashian began the night, along with a heartfelt shout out to the East Coast and its recovery from Hurricane Sandy. After laying down the ground rules (performances tonight would winnow contestants down to 12 from the final 16, and the judges, not fans, would be the ones to do so) the show jumped straight into the performances.

The first was Paige Thomas, who strutted out wearing an outfit seemingly out of Lady Gaga's closet. She sang "What Is Love," while wearing a spiky, sea urchin-like headdress and a glimmering silver bodysuit, and despite some audible pitch issues, "nailed it" as far as Simon Cowell and the rest of the judges were concerned.

"I loved it. That was a dramatic opening," says L.A. Reid. "It feels like stardom."

Next up was Arin Ray, who already seemed like he should be a consummate R&B star fashioned in the likes of Usher. Britney Spears' pre-show suggestion was to surround him with dancers and have "style going on," but what really shined through was the accuracy of his voice. The performance wasn't gripping, but it was impressive, and Ray opened up his vocals to dominate the end of his song.

The judges expressed some reservations--noting the dancers may have been a bit much--but overall liked the performance. "You have that swag, you have that self-confidence, and that's what you need in a pop star," Cowell concluded.

David Correy was next. His vocals are strong, and he was able to show his range in the piece. The judges approved, though Cowell harped on the multiple times he shouted "come on" to the crowd as he had them sing with him as seeming a bit desperate. Reid, though, concluded his performer's show "felt right" and the show moved on.

Sister C's performance wasn’t particularly engaging, but their vocals were flawless. The judges weren't overjoyed, but they weren't negative either. Lovato notes they've got a unique sound that "I think is missing in the industry right now."

Jennel Garcia’s performance was cast against a backdrop of Paige Thomas and Cece Frey, who were noticeably more aggressive. After a makeover by Demi, Jennel’s wavy hair was gone, replaced by straight, rough-cut black bangs which differ from her mentor’s hairstyle tonight only in looking slightly more unkempt. But forget appearances, Jennel gave a performance less reminiscent of her "sexy" first audition but truly confident, and even Reid can't help but voice enthusiastic approval for Lovato's contestant.

"That was a 10," Reid says. "You just convinced me that you could win."

Diamond White came up next, and though Carly Rose Sonenclar would come later in the performance, they shared similar criticisms. The most polished voices of the younger group, White dressed in a more urban, sporty outfit and Sonenclar was Spears' Pygmalion. She dressed her in a schoolgirl's uniform after explaining to her how, once upon a time, she sang "Baby One More Time" in the same clothing and it was awesome. Both received the same criticism: their incredible technical skills get in the way of their performances. The judges acknowledged they'll make it far on their voices alone, but urged them to enjoy themselves on stage more.

Vino Alan sang an arena-rock, shout chorus-type song that does nothing to showcase his textured voice. His ad-libbed flourish at the end of the piece showed what he's capable of, and the judges still seem to see potential, but Cowell landed the most accurate, and harshest, criticism.

"Completely and utterly wrong song choice," Cowell says, turning to Reid. "If you don't mind me saying this, you completely and utterly cocked this one up."

Cece Frey returned along with her leopard prints, though this time they're on her form-fitting top instead of her face; Lovato made her into a platinum blonde for the competition. She started out strong, faltered a bit in the middle, slower section of her song and really lit up in the lead-up to the last chorus. She ended the song by dramatically crawling towards the camera. The judges agreed that there were some weak vocals in places, but were positive.

"You know why I like you?" Cowell asked, rhetorically. "You're fearless."

Tate Stevens was next, and crooned a country song that elicited a wholly positive, but predictable response from the judges. He's good and easy to peg as an artist--rather than a versatile, malleable pop star--but Lovato made the most accurate prediction of his inevitable fate when she said, "We need you in this competition. You're going to go far."

Beatrice Miller, on the other hand, blew the doors off the competition. Spears set her up singing a ballad, which she initially expressed strong concerns about doing since it's not how she sees herself as an artist. (She thinks she shines with less tender, contemplative songs.) But her performance proved notable -- first because of how well she inflected and emoted while she sang, and also because Spears actually paired a song with a performer in a new way and it really stretched Miller as a performer.
Reid couldn’t contain himself. He explained that the key traits of a star are believability and lovability, and admits that, "I believe you, and I love you."

Jason Brock, who has been unofficially nicknamed "Mr. Entertainment," had a tough act to follow, after we heard a promise from Reid that he'll try to fulfill Brock's dream of "glitter explosions" that he admitted during the first audition. His vocals proved strong, expressive and a reminder of why he'll probably go far in the competition. But the song choice is glaring: Jennifer Lopez' "Dance Again’s” disco-dance beat combined with exotic dancers with headdresses seemed to typecast Brock's flamboyant nature in a way that's almost offensive. The judges loved him, but not necessarily the performance. He'll stick around, but Cowell has some harsh words.

"Utterly horrendous," Cowell said, glaring at Reid as he talks. "It doesn't get worse than that."

Brock expertly diffused that tension by asking Lopez if he can pinch his butt while standing alongside him onstage, and proceeds to do so without waiting for permission. An embarrassed Lopez couldn’t throw the show to a commercial break without laughing.

Willie Jones performed after the aforementioned 1432 dustup, and did well enough - his unique vocal quality peeking through but perhaps not often enough. "I can't tell you I got goosebumps from it," Reid said. "[But] I think you'll be around.

Cowell, on the other hand, was much less kind, saying his mentor (Lovato) didn't do him any favors.
"His mentor happens to be someone who is 20 years old, and happens to know what people like," Lovato snapped back, addressing Cowell. "This may not have worked 100 years ago when you were good at this, but I think it could work now."

Khloe smelling blood, pressed Cowell on what he would change, the second time she pressured a judge, and Cowell was unable to give her anything constructive.

The show ended with a performance Emblem3, who were predictably California bro but gave a much cleaner performance than we're used to. It still felt a bit like a forgettable boy band, but the judges couldn’t get enough. Simon brought out his "remember this day" speech, which happens once every couple of episodes, predicting stardom for the group. Who knows? Having created One Direction, he could actually be right.

If we can look forward to more of Khloe Kardashian, the show would be better off. It's a phrase no reviewer of the show would have expected to say, but the reality star has injected some realism into a show that could have been a lot less interesting without her.

Source : New York Daily News (blog) -

Related searches: Khloe Kardashian Mario Lopez, x factor, xfactor, khloe kardashian x factor

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