Saturday, October 27, 2012

Does Justin Bieber have cancer? His bodyguard speaks out

Does Justin Bieber have cancer? His bodyguard speaks out

Does Justin Bieber have cancer? On Thursday, a new Twitter trend #BaldForBieber swept the web and left many fans wondering if their beloved Bieber really did have cancer.

The story started when a screenshot of a tweet from Entertainment Tonight popped up which claimed that Justin Bieber had been diagnosed with cancer. The story goes that the tweet was quickly deleted, but not before some sly fans caught on and started the movement #BaldForBieber in which fans started to shave their heads in support for the pop singer.

But, is there any truth to the story? While Justin Bieber himself has not yet responded to the rumors, his bodyguard Kenny Hamilton did and claims that the story is false.

Despite Kenny’s claims, there are still people who believe the #BaldForBieber cause is legitimate. Of course, there are many flaws in the story which help point to a hoax. Not only was the tweet “mysteriously deleted,” but it also had a reported reply from Justin Bieber’s Twitter. Why would he reply publicly to the tweet, but then not say anything after it was deleted?

Then, there is the issue with people shaving their heads. It seems that some of these photos are indeed real and that these hardcore Beliebers would support their idol no matter what. If the story is false as Kenny Hamilton says it is, then these fans are sporting a new hairdo for nothing. Still, it is great to see that there are people who are willing to support the cause no matter what.

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Related searches: Justin Bieber cancer

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